In Gadwal, a special event took place at the Congress Party’s Sarithamma Camp Office. Nagar Kurnool MP Mallu Ravi, along with Saritha Tirupathiah, who is the Gadwal Constituency In-charge and former ZP Chairperson, and Municipal Chairman B.S. Keshav, distributed cheques from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
Several beneficiaries received financial aid during this event. Sujata, the wife of Raghavendra, received Rs 60,000. Lakshmi, the wife of Mallikarjun Reddy, was given Rs 15,000. Khaleel Ahmed, the son of Abdul Wahab, collected Rs 35,000. Uppari Saraswathi, the wife of Rajasekhar, received Rs 7,000. Lastly, Aditya, the son of Mattayya, was given Rs 33,000.
The event was attended by Congress Party leaders, local representatives from different mandals and towns, as well as party workers. This initiative underscores the Congress Party’s commitment to supporting those in need through the CM Relief Fund, reflecting their dedication to the welfare of the community.