Hanumakonda DCC president Naini Rajender Reddy attended a program organized by the Telangana All Private Teachers Association (TAPTA) at the Press Club in Hanumakonda on Sunday. Naini emphasized the important role teachers play in the development of children. He stated that teachers not only teach academics but also instill moral values and responsibilities in students.
Naini acknowledged that being a teacher is not an easy task. It requires patience, dedication, passion, and the ability to do more with less. Therefore, teachers deserve respect from society. He believes that the future development of a nation depends on good teachers. During the program, Naini presented letters of appreciation to the selected best teachers.
The event was also attended by TAPTA state president Chander Lal Naik, Corporator Thota Venkateshwarlu, INTUC Hanumakonda district secretary Kura Venkat, KU Assistant professor T Seshu, Chadalawada Mallikarjun Rao, retired principal G Venkatnarayana, Bhairi Prabhakar, M Ramesh, and M Rajender.