In Hyderabad, the Narcotics Enforcement Wing, along with the Banjara Hills Police, arrested three individuals involved in drug trafficking. One of those arrested is a Nigerian national.
The police seized a total of 256 grams of various drugs from the suspects. These drugs are estimated to be worth Rs 1.1 crore.
The individuals taken into custody are Ofozor Sunday Ejike, also known as Frank, who is a 42-year-old Nigerian drug supplier. The other two are Anas Khan, aged 31, and Saif Khan, aged 27. Both Anas and Saif are residents of Rajendranagar and originally from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Among the confiscated items were 36 grams of cocaine, 140 grams of MDMA, nine Ecstasy pills, six LSD blots, 32 grams of charas, and 41 grams of a drug known as MEOW-MEOW. Additionally, the police recovered five mobile phones, a car, and other related items from the trio.