Hyderabad: Posters of BRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao with the word “Missing” (Kanapadutaledu) have appeared in various parts of the city. These posters are questioning why KCR, the leader of the opposition, has not been seen or heard from while the state is dealing with severe floods.
The posters feature a picture of KCR and include a statement that says, “The people who have given power to KCR for two terms are now facing many problems due to floods, but KCR is nowhere to be seen.” Recently, several areas in the state have been hit hard by heavy rains and floods, with Khammam district being particularly affected.
Leaders from the ruling party, including Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, have criticized KCR for not addressing the flood situation. Revanth Reddy has even demanded that KCR visit the flood-affected areas to see the damage for himself.
It is unclear who is responsible for putting up these posters. The BRS party has expressed strong objections to them. BRS leader D Sravan called the posters a “third-rate and abysmal campaign” and accused the Telangana Chief Minister’s Office of focusing on KCR instead of flood relief efforts.
Sravan further criticized Revanth Reddy, saying that he should be more concerned with flood relief rather than targeting KCR. He added that Revanth Reddy is acting like an “uninformed and misguided missile” and needs to learn the basics of responsible governance.