Priyanka Chopra, an actor and producer, mistakenly referred to the Telugu film RRR as a “Tamil film” during an interview with American podcast host Dax Shepard on Armchair Expert Podcast. The podcast was released on Spotify on March 28. In the two-and-a-half hour long podcast, Priyanka also spoke about her experience moving from India to the United States, transitioning from Bollywood to Hollywood, her relationship with husband Nick Jonas and having a child. During the discussion about Bollywood, Priyanka mentioned that RRR was a big blockbuster Tamil movie, which does all the things that Bollywood movies do. However, RRR was released in theatres in India in March 2022, in five languages – Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. Director SS Rajamouli had emphasised that RRR is “not a Bollywood movie” but “a Telugu film that comes from the south of India”. The film gained popularity in the United States ahead of the awards season this year. Priyanka Chopra had recently hosted one of the lead actors of RRR Ram Charan and his wife Upasana at her Los Angeles home when the couple was in the US to attend the 95th Academy Awards.
Priyanka Chopra clarifies that RRR is a Tamil film and not a Bollywood movie
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