Actress Samantha has urged the Telangana government to set up a committee aimed at addressing safety and support issues for women in the film industry. She pointed to a similar initiative in Kerala, where the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) played a key role in forming the Hema Committee to ensure a safer work environment for women in Malayalam cinema.
Samantha praised the efforts of the WCC and stressed the need for the Telugu film industry (TFI) to take similar actions. She emphasized the importance of creating a secure atmosphere where women can work without facing harassment or discrimination.
Backing her call, ‘The Voice of Women,’ a support group within Tollywood, is also pushing for these reforms. Samantha’s appeal to the Telangana government is viewed as a significant move toward making the industry safer and more inclusive for women.
On the work front, Samantha is starring in “Citadel: Honey Bunny,” which is set to release on November 7 on Amazon Prime Video.