The police in Hyderabad, India have arrested two more people in connection to a state exam paper leak. Mibayya and his son Janardhan from Mahabubnagar were arrested after Mibayya allegedly paid Rs 2 lakh to Lavdyavath Dhakya, one of the accused already arrested in the case, for a question paper of the exam conducted by TSPSC for recruitment of assistant engineers. Janardhan had appeared in the exam. This takes the number of arrests to 19.
The TSPSC exam paper leak case began on March 12 and has led to the cancellation of several examinations including the Group 1 preliminary examination, Assistant Engineers, AEE, and DAO exams. Fifteen people had been arrested prior to these latest arrests.
The police have alleged that Praveen Kumar, an employee in TSPSC, and Rajashekar Reddy, a network admin at TSPSC, had stolen question papers of some exams from a computer in a confidential section of the Commission and sold them to other accused. The SIT has also examined TSPSC chairman Janardhan Reddy, secretary Anita Ramchandran and member B. Linga Reddy.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is also investigating money laundering charges in the case. The ED officials are believed to have questioned the two accused based on information obtained from Shankara Lakshmi, who was in charge of the confidential section room at TSPSC. She had appeared before the ED on April 11 and was questioned for over 10 hours.