Nizamabad: Additional Chief Electoral Officer Lokesh Kumar, along with other senior officials, held a review meeting with District Collectors via video conference on Saturday. The meeting focused on the upcoming special voter list revision program, which will start on August 20.
During the meeting, Lokesh Kumar emphasized that booth-level officials should visit each household to verify the voter list. He recommended that new voters should be registered, and any changes in address or other details should be corrected as needed.
The CEO announced that the draft voter list will be released on October 29. He mentioned that any amendments or objections must be submitted by November 28 and resolved by December 24. The final voter list is scheduled to be published on January 6, 2025.
Lokesh Kumar also highlighted the importance of conducting a house-to-house survey in preparing the voter list. He advised that booth-level officers should carry out these surveys under the supervision of EROs, AEROs, and their supervisors to ensure accuracy.