New 2BHK houses were opened in Kamala Nagar SPR Hills by Talasani Srinivas Yadav, who is the Minister of Animal Husbandry. The houses were built by the GHMC for Rs 17.58 crore and have 210 flats, which are spread over two blocks. Each flat has an area of 560 sq ft and was built for Rs 8.5 lakh. The building has CC roads, external electrification, drinking water sump and other infrastructures along with seven lift facility. There are also 15 shops in the building that will generate revenue for maintenance.
The houses were given to 89 beneficiaries and the remaining 121 will be given out soon, according to Talasani. Many important people were present at the opening, such as Additional Collector Venkateshwar, RDO Vasantha, GHMC CE Suresh, SE Vidyasagar, EE Venkatadasu, Water Works CGM Prabhu, Rahmat Nagar Corporator CN Reddy, Yousufguda Corporator Raj Kumar Patel, Vengal Rao Nagar Corporator Dedipya, Jubilee Hills MLA Maganti Gopinath, MLCs SurabiVanidevi, Mirza RahmatBaig.