The Telangana CID officials have arrested a white-collar offender who has been absconding for the past four years. The suspect, who went by various names such as Ranjit Tiwari, Rajeev Saxena, Himansu Upadyaya, Ranjit Awadhesh Tiwari, and Ranjit Kumar Tiwari, was arrested from Gurugram district of Haryana. According to the CID, the suspect had floated a paper company called ‘Miric Biotech Limited’ and recruited a local person as a regional sales manager for entire Telangana to identify interested distributors.
The suspect showed colourful brochures to gullible businessmen and claimed that their company was a noted one producing skin care and Ayurvedic products on a huge scale in North India and that they were extending their business to the southern states. One investor, Sindhura Traders, deposited Rs 6 lakhs as deposit amount and Rs 36 lakh for material supply with Ranjit Tiwari. However, after taking the amount, Ranjit Tiwari switched off his cell phone and stopped responding to the victim. After the complainant approached, Telangana State CID Police registered a case and tried to trace out the suspect but by then he had gone absconding.
A team consisting of SI, Sardar Satpal Singh, ASI D Ashok, and HC P Sreenivas went to Gurugram and brought the accused on PT Warrant to Hyderabad. During the investigation, it came to light that Ranjit had also cheated two others with the same modus operandi. Within one year, he is suspected to have cheated the gullible to the tune of Rs.1.26 crore, the CID said.
On the directions of Mahesh M Bhagwat, Additional DGP, CID, TS and under the guidance of K Venkata Lakshmi, Superintendent of Police, EOW, CID, the team collected information about the suspect and brought him to Hyderabad and sent for judicial custody.