Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy celebrated Independence Day by raising the national flag at the historic Golconda Fort. The event saw attendance from numerous public representatives, top officials, and police officers, all of whom paid their respects to the occasion.
During his speech, CM Reddy highlighted the importance of India’s freedom struggle, noting its global significance due to its foundation on non-violence. He praised former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for his vision in building modern India. Reddy credited Nehru with initiating projects that have kept the country prosperous and acknowledged the establishment of key industries like Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI).
The Chief Minister also acknowledged the contributions of leaders Lal Bahadur Shastri and Indira Gandhi in transforming the agricultural sector, which played crucial roles in the nation’s progress. He mentioned his recent discussions with the President of the World Bank in the United States, which led to an agreement for low-interest loans, contrasting it with the high-interest burdens from previous administrations.
Addressing the Warangal Declaration, CM Reddy reassured citizens about ongoing loan waivers, stating that loans up to Rs. 2 lakh are being addressed despite some technical obstacles. He promised that special counters would be set up in collectorates to resolve these issues.
Reddy also discussed his government’s achievements, noting that two out of six promises made to the public have already been fulfilled. He announced improvements to the Aarogyasri health scheme, increasing its coverage limit to Rs. 10 lakh, and committed to modernizing government hospitals across Telangana.
The celebration at Golconda Fort was not only a display of national pride but also a chance for the Chief Minister to highlight his administration’s dedication to development and public welfare.