The Telangana High Court has stepped in to address a case involving the N Convention Center, which is connected to well-known Tollywood actor Nagarjuna. On Saturday, the court issued a temporary order to stop the ongoing demolition of the center. The demolition activities had been initiated by the Hyderabad authorities, specifically an organization called HYDRAA.
The situation unfolded after Hyderabad officials began cracking down on illegal constructions in the Gandipet Full Tank Level (FTL) and buffer zones. These areas are protected, and unauthorized structures, like embankments, were being targeted for demolition. Reports emerged claiming that the N Convention Center was built on land that encroaches on Tammidi Cheruvu, a local water body. This led to complaints and increased scrutiny from nearby residents.
Despite the court’s order, the demolition of the N Convention Center had already taken place early Saturday morning. HYDRAA had completely torn down the structure before the court’s intervention.