The Telangana Police have increased their monitoring efforts in Hyderabad due to rising tensions in Bangladesh. They are paying special attention to the Bangladeshi community in the city. The authorities have issued warnings against illegal immigration.
Commissioner of Police Sudhir Babu noted that there are over 5,000 Rohingyas living in the Balapur area. These individuals have identity cards from the central government. He stated that the police will focus on preventing illegal entry into Hyderabad and will take action against those who attempt it.
The police are also keeping a close watch on the Rohingya community within the Rachakonda Commissionerate area. Telangana’s Director General of Police (DGP) Jitender mentioned that they are closely monitoring the situation. He reassured that they are aware of the issues in Bangladesh and are observing the Bangladeshi nationals in Hyderabad.
DGP Jitender stressed that the police will follow the guidance from central intelligence agencies. He assured that they are ready to manage any consequences that may arise from the current situation.