The Telangana High Court postponed Kadapa MP Avinash Reddy’s bail hearing until Thursday in the YS Vivekananda case. The hearing will be at 3.30 pm tomorrow. The court did not conduct an inquiry on petitions that were not on the list for that day. Avinash Reddy’s lawyer requested that the petition be heard tomorrow, and the court agreed to hold the hearing on Thursday afternoon.
The High Court was supposed to hear Avinash Reddy’s petition on Tuesday, but postponed it to Wednesday because they had not received a copy of the order issued by the Supreme Court on Monday. The High Court adjourned the hearing again to Thursday and said that further hearings would be based on the summary of the order given by the Supreme Court.
On Wednesday, the court finished hearing arguments on the CBI’s petition to cancel Erra Gangireddy’s bail in the Viveka murder case. The High Court adjourned the verdict to tomorrow.