Thousands of tourists visiting Nagarjunasagar from Telangana were disappointed on Saturday as boat services, known as ‘Launches,’ were halted. However, boats from the Andhra Pradesh side continued to operate without any issues. This disruption resulted in a significant loss of income for Telangana’s tourism sector, amounting to lakhs of rupees.
The launch station had recently been moved from Vijaya Vihar to Down Park, which is near the earth dam. This area is frequently used by NSP officials to travel to and from the dam. The NSP officials had previously requested the organizers to relocate the launches back to Vijaya Vihar. They faced challenges due to the influx of tourist vehicles and the presence of open urinals.
On Saturday morning, dam authorities stopped the launches because of a flood situation, with 4 lakh cusecs of water flowing from upstream. This decision puzzled many, especially since launches had operated in the past even when there was a higher flood level of 6 lakh cusecs. Tourists were frustrated and questioned the officials, asking why Telangana’s boats were stopped while Andhra Pradesh’s were not. Unfortunately, they did not receive any answers.