In a major breakthrough, the Commissioner’s Task Force, South-East Zone, along with Malakpet Police, arrested two men involved in a series of chain snatchings and thefts in Hyderabad and Rachakonda Commissionerates. The suspects are identified as 29-year-old Md Mahmood Shareef, also known as Mohammed or Chotu, and 37-year-old Abdul Gaffar, also known as Arif or Areef Chaus.
The two men were connected to several crimes, including three chain snatchings, two bike thefts, and two mobile phone thefts. These incidents had caused significant alarm among local residents.
The police have recovered stolen property worth around ₹11,00,000. The items recovered include approximately 51.50 grams of gold, a Hyundai I-10 car, two motorcycles (a TVS Rider and a Bajaj Pulsar 220), and two mobile phones.
The suspects were found to have committed offences under various police jurisdictions, including Vanasthalipuram, Malakpet, Langerhouz, Saroornagar, and LB Nagar police stations. Seven cases have been linked to the two men, covering multiple instances of chain snatching, cell phone theft, and bike theft.