Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao has been invited to speak at the 21st edition of the India Conference at Harvard University. The conference will be held on February 18, 2024, in Boston and will focus on the theme ‘India Rising: Business, Economy and Culture’.
Harvard University invited Rama Rao due to his influential leadership and role in promoting Telangana’s recent growth. The India Conference at Harvard is a big event in the United States that attracts over 1,000 members of the Indian diaspora, including students, academics, business leaders, and policy experts. Other notable speakers at the conference include Wipro Chairman Azim Premji, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, and Anamika Khanna.
Rama Rao expressed his happiness about the invitation and sees it as a great opportunity to showcase Telangana’s progressive policies and the opportunities it offers across various sectors. The conference will also highlight India’s progress in recent years and its potential as an emerging global power.