A troubling situation has come to light at the Boduluru Ashram Girls’ School in Maredumilli mandal, located in the Alluri Sitarama Raju district of Andhra Pradesh. The students at the school have accused the warden, Mangamma, and the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), Ramalakshmi, of mistreating them.
The students allege that the warden and ANM would force them to remove their clothes and then beat them with iron rods and sticks. The staff claimed they were checking for skin conditions like scabies as an excuse for their actions.
In addition to the physical abuse, the students were reportedly made to perform various menial tasks. These included washing dishes, doing laundry, and even massaging the staff’s feet.
The students also recounted that the staff would insult them, making derogatory remarks about their families. They were told that their parents were uneducated and lived in the hills, suggesting that the students themselves would not achieve anything through education.
Despite bringing these serious issues to the attention of the headmistress, the students claim that no action has been taken to address their concerns.