Hyderabad: KT Rama Rao, the BRS working president, has strongly criticized Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy for the Sunkishala incident. He described it as a complete failure on the part of the Chief Minister. The incident in question involves the collapse of the intake well’s wall.
During a press conference at Telangana Bhavan, Rama Rao spoke with several party officials, including MLAs T Srinivas Yadav, P Sabitha Indra Reddy, KP Vivekanand, and MLC Mohd Mahamood Ali. He expressed his concerns about why the incident, which occurred on August 2, was not made public sooner.
Rama Rao questioned the government’s decision to keep the information hidden, especially since the Assembly sessions were ongoing. He asked, “Why was this information not shared with the members during such a critical time? What actions are the department and the intelligence wing taking?”
He further accused the Chief Minister, who is also in charge of the Municipal Administration department, of failing in his duties. Rama Rao called for a judicial inquiry into the incident and demanded the suspension of the responsible officials. He refuted any claims of engineering faults in the Sunkishala project.