Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has stepped in to help a student named K Kartika after she suffered a serious accident. Kartika, a student at Telangana Social Welfare Gurukul School, fell from a school building and was badly hurt. The Chief Minister instructed officials to ensure she receives medical treatment at no cost to her.
Kartika, who is in the 9th grade, fell from the third floor of her school in Mulugu district on August 9. She sustained severe injuries to her waist. Initially, she was taken to Warangal MGM Hospital for treatment. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was later moved to NIMS in Hyderabad for more advanced medical care.
A team led by Neurosurgeon Assistant Professor Dr. Tirumal performed surgery on Kartika at NIMS. The operation took place on Tuesday. Kartika is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is reported to be recovering. The state government has assured that it will cover all her medical expenses.