Renowned author Matti Bhanumurthy has released a new historical fiction novel called ‘Jaya Senapati’. The book was unveiled by Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy during a special ceremony held at the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Secretariat.
At the event, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy praised Bhanumurthy for his significant contributions to literature. He applauded the author’s ability to bring history to life through his storytelling. The Chief Minister also highlighted the importance of historical fiction in preserving cultural heritage and inspiring readers to learn more about the past.
The novel ‘Jaya Senapati’ showcases Bhanumurthy’s talent in blending real historical events with fictional elements, making it an engaging and informative read. The Chief Minister’s participation in the event underlined the government’s support for literary arts and its dedication to promoting a culturally rich society.