The District Collector of Gadwal, B.M. Santosh, and District SP Srinivas Rao inspected the flood-affected Menni Padu stream in Undavelli Mandal on Thursday. The heavy rains have caused a severe increase in water flow, and the Collector expressed concern for public safety. He advised everyone to be very careful.
During the inspection, the Collector told the authorities to take steps to stop people from crossing the dangerous stream. He asked the officials about the water flow, water level, and other important details. To keep everyone safe, he banned vehicles from moving through the affected areas and suggested using other routes instead. The Collector also recommended putting up lights near the streams to improve visibility and urged residents to wait until the water levels go down before crossing.
Later, the Collector and SP visited the railway underpass in Narayanapuram village of Manopad Mandal, where water had collected due to the floods. The Collector noticed the danger of crossing the flooded underpass and instructed officials to use motor equipment to lower the water level immediately. He promised that a permanent solution would be found soon. The Collector reminded everyone to take extra precautions during the rainy season and to ask for help from the authorities if needed. He assured the public that the district administration is always ready to ensure their safety.
Panchayat Secretary, Deputy Tehsildar, and other officials were also present during the inspection.