Sunday, June 16, 2024
    HomeHyderabadKishan Reddy: Telangana Faces Anti-Incumbency Wave

    Kishan Reddy: Telangana Faces Anti-Incumbency Wave

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    Union Minister and Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized the Congress for making promises to farmers about loan waivers and bonuses, but failing to deliver once in power. He accused Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of misleading farmers with false promises during elections.

    Reddy pointed out that the Congress had initially promised a Rs 2 lakh farm loan waiver and other benefits, only to delay and change the terms once in power. He questioned the state government’s reluctance to take advantage of the Centre’s offer to purchase paddy at Minimum Support Price (MSP), especially for the coarse rice variety.

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    The BJP leader highlighted that the Modi government had committed to buying all varieties of rice from farmers without limitations, but obstacles were being created by the state government in the procurement process. He criticized the government for failing to meet its obligations in supplying rice to the Centre and accused them of neglecting farmers’ interests.

    Reddy raised concerns about the government’s handling of procurement, suggesting that grains were being lost due to untimely rains and poor storage practices. He accused the Congress of a history of deception and claimed that people were already showing dissatisfaction with their current administration after just five months in power.

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