Former AICC President Rahul Gandhi’s bus yatra is coming to Jadcherla mandal in Mahabubnagar district as part of his campaigning efforts. Congress cadres, led by their contestant Janampally Anirudh Reddy, are working hard to make it a big success. Bhuvanagiri MP Komatireddy Venkat Reddy visited Jadhcerla to check the preparations. He urged people to support the Congress party and vote for Anirudh Reddy for a strong victory. Komatireddy emphasized that the Congress party has always supported the poor and underprivileged and has introduced six guarantee schemes for the development and welfare of the region. He also called for support in order to establish a corruption-free and transparent governance in Telangana. Rahul Gandhi’s bus yatra is expected to arrive in Jadcherla at 4pm on Wednesday, with a grand meeting planned at Ambedkar junction where Gandhi will address the public.
RG to embark on bus yatra in Jadcherla today
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