A spiritual gathering was held in Nizamabad, where members of the Meru caste came together to show their support for BJP candidate Dhanpal Suryanarayana. The event was organized by the Munnuru Kapu Sangam and showed a strong display of unity and political backing.
During the gathering, Dhanpal Suryanarayana spoke about the importance of recognizing the significance of the Meru caste beyond just being a political vote bank. He emphasized the need to provide opportunities for the Meru caste and elevate their role in the city. Suryanarayana also expressed concern about the lack of development in the city and stressed the importance of comprehensive urban development.
Suryanarayana urged the members of the Meru caste to support him, promising that their caste professions would receive justice in the future. He expressed his dedication to bringing about a positive change in the city. Despite some political tensions, with Congress representatives calling BJP candidates “thieves,” the Meru brothers endorsed Suryanarayana and honored him with shawls and garlands.
Several prominent figures attended the event, including Meru brothers State vice presidents Polkam Gangakishan, Vennu Devanand, and Madishetti Laxman. BJP floor leader Gopidi Sravani Reddy, corporator Erram Sudhir, Dikonda Gangadhas, Roy Mohan, and Darbastu Srinivas also participated.