Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, along with ministers including Duddilla Sridhar Babu and a team of officials, recently visited the Cheonggyecheon River in Seoul. This river is a well-known waterway in the city. The purpose of their visit was to learn from Seoul’s experience in transforming Cheonggyecheon into a world-class riverfront. They plan to use these insights to develop the Musi Riverfront in Hyderabad.
During the visit, Chief Minister Reddy carefully observed how the Cheonggyecheon River was rejuvenated. Once a polluted 11-kilometer stretch, it has now become a beautiful urban area. This transformation, completed in 2005, has turned the river into a major attraction, drawing around 19 million tourists each year. It is now considered a model for urban riverfront development, showcasing creative beautification and sustainable practices.
Chief Minister Reddy was inspired by the visit and expressed excitement about applying similar improvements to the Musi River. He shared that the transformation of Cheonggyecheon has given him many ideas for revitalizing Hyderabad’s waterfront. These observations will be important in planning projects to enhance the ecological and visual appeal of the Musi River. The goal is to improve the quality of life for residents and boost tourism in the area.