Monday, June 17, 2024
    HomeHyderabadUttam vows to turn Hyderabad into a global investment hub

    Uttam vows to turn Hyderabad into a global investment hub

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    Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Ponguru Narayana has said that the phase one development works of Amaravati, the state capital, will be completed in the next two and a half years.

    Hyderabad’s Civil Supplies and Irrigation Minister, Uttam Kumar Reddy, stated that the State government aims to attract global investments in sectors like construction, IT, and manufacturing to make Hyderabad a top destination. He made these comments during the inauguration of the West Hyderabad Property Expo 2024 at Naren Garden in Miyapur.

    Reddy highlighted the government’s focus on creating a conducive environment for Hyderabad’s growth by ensuring law and order, high-quality infrastructure, pleasant weather, diverse culture, and a skilled workforce. He also promised to streamline business processes and maintain a safe environment in the city.

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    The minister mentioned previous infrastructure projects undertaken by the Congress-led government, such as the airport, Outer Ring Road, city flyovers, and water supply from the Krishna and Godavari rivers. He assured continued support for the construction industry, predicting a real estate boom in Hyderabad.

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    Reddy announced plans to expand the Metro Rail network and develop a riverfront along the Musi River to enhance Hyderabad’s reputation nationally and internationally. The government has also proposed a Regional Ring Road project worth Rs 22,000 crore to improve transportation in the region.

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    Additionally, measures will be taken to address traffic issues, promote sustainable living, and encourage the development of green buildings in Hyderabad. Reddy emphasized his personal connection to West Hyderabad and pledged to provide necessary infrastructure while maintaining transparency and accessibility throughout the process.

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