In Nagar Kurnool district, a veterinary worker’s actions have impressed both the local villagers and officials. This story takes place in Peddapalli village, located in the Telkapally area, where a veterinary center has been operating for many years. Over time, the facility had fallen into disrepair, and the surrounding area became so neglected that people were hesitant to visit.
Muhammad Aslam, a veterinary assistant at the center, was determined to make a difference. Instead of waiting for government funding, he chose to use his own money to fix up the facility. He took on the task of repairing and repainting the center. Additionally, he installed a new signboard to mark the veterinary center.
The transformation of the animal hospital surprised the villagers. Both the villagers and officials have praised Aslam for his efforts. The villagers expressed their joy, saying it’s uplifting to see an official who goes beyond his regular duties. They believe that having such a dedicated worker in their village will bring numerous benefits.