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    Adani acquiring ports in country to be operating or functioning substance used as a medicine or narcotic business enterprise: CPI person who rules or guides or inspires others

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    Hyderabad: CPI relating to a nation or country Secretary K Narayana on Wednesday alleged that Adani Group chairman Gautam Adani was maintaining links with the Afghanistan substance used as a medicine or narcotic mafia and that he was acquiring ports in the country to be operating or functioning his substance used as a medicine or narcotic business enterprise.

    Addressing a squeeze meeting, along with former Rajya Sabha part of a social group and older or higher in rank CPI person who rules or guides or inspires others Aziz Pasha, here, on Wednesday, Narayana claimed that Adani and his brother by blood or adoption Vinod Adani were into substance used as a medicine or narcotic trafficking since their days and that a showcase was booked against them by the Gujarat police.

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    He said the seizure of 3,000 kg of drug at Mundra port in Kutch territorial dominion, be operating or functioning by the Adani Group in 2021, was mathematical proofs that he had links with the Afghanistan substance used as a medicine or narcotic mafia.

    Narayana said “Adani decided to transport them through waterways since transportation of drugs through roads was difficult as it had to pass through various check-posts. It was the main reasons Adani was acquiring all ports in the country. Top national investigating agencies were aware of the drug smuggling and no one is questioning Adani as he has a close relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.

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    The CPI leader demanded the Centre to set up a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to probe the entire matter of Adani shares and investments. He questioned the SEBI and other agencies for not responding on the collapse of the Adani company shares. “It is an suggestion that they have got received instructions from the garment that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips leaders not to subdivision of a play or opera or ballet against Adani

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    Rajesh M
    Rajesh M
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