Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the Telangana State BJP chief, has called for the party’s leaders and members to make the upcoming ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Sabha’ at Chevella a grand success. He believes this will send a message that the BJP is certain to win the ensuing state assembly elections. The meeting is expected to attract around 100,000 people, and Bandi has asked for proper arrangements to be made to accommodate them. He also encouraged people to attend voluntarily and asked for arrangements to be made for their safety and comfort.
Bandi described the Vijaya Sankalpa Sabha as the first public meeting in the Chevella Parliament constituency. He said that party members have faced oppressive treatment from Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao’s government, which he claims is riddled with corruption. Bandi believes that the meeting will demonstrate to the party’s national leadership that they are set to win in Telangana. He also emphasized that the Centre, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, is committed to providing corruption-free governance.
Bandi hopes that the public meeting will send a message to people that the BJP’s victory is certain, and it will stand with them against the BRS government. He urged party members to use social media and other platforms to reach out to everyone and encourage them to attend the meeting.
The public meeting in Chevella will be attended by Union Minister Amit Shah, who will arrive at Shamshabad Airport on Sunday evening. Shah will serve as the chief guest and will address the meeting. Other attendees will include State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay, Union Minister of Culture and Tourism G Kishan Reddy, BJP OBC Morcha national president Dr K Laxman, BJP national vice-president D K Aruna, BJP Madhya Pradesh in-charge P Murlaidhar Rao, party national executive member Eatala, and others.