Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy performed a Bhoomi Pooja on Wednesday to begin the process of installing the Telangana Talli statue at the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar State Secretariat. This ceremony is an important step in celebrating Telangana’s cultural heritage.
The event was attended by several ministers, government officials, and representatives from cultural organizations. During the ceremony, the Chief Minister spoke about the importance of the Telangana Talli statue, describing it as a symbol of the state’s pride and the hopes of its people. He emphasized that the statue would serve as a reminder of Telangana’s culture, history, and the long struggle for achieving statehood.
The Telangana Talli statue, which represents the mother of the state, is expected to become a significant landmark in Telangana. The government is dedicated to preserving the state’s unique identity and honoring its rich history through initiatives like this.
The ceremony concluded with CM Revanth Reddy urging everyone to work together towards a brighter future for Telangana.