The Telangana State Government has an ambitious target of generating Rs 85,000 crore in tax revenue for the current financial year of 2023-24. The Chief Secretary of the state, Santhi Kumari, commended the State Commercial Tax department for their extraordinary performance in the previous financial year, 2022-23, and encouraged them to expand their efforts to achieve this year’s revenue target by focusing on tax evasion. She urged officials to identify hidden and uncovered areas to generate additional revenue and to build competencies to increase compliance. Efforts should be made to increase the number of taxpayers and reduce tax evasion.
The Chief Secretary has directed the Commissioner to review the cases pending with the appellate Joint Commissioners every fortnight. The officials have been asked to map potential areas and go about it systematically. The Commercial Tax officials suggested several measures to augment revenue, including strengthening the Enforcement Wing and encouraging voluntary compliance.
The meeting was attended by Commissioner to Commercial Tax Neetu Kumari Prasad, Additional Commissioners Sai Kishore, Haritha, Joint Commissioners, and other officials.