AMARAVATI: Two police officers, Nandyal Rural CI Shivakumar Reddy and Mahanandi SI Nagendra Prasad, have been suspended. This action follows the murder of YSRCP leader Subbarayudu in Sitaramapuram, Mahanandi Mandal.
The DIG issued the suspension orders after finding that police negligence played a part in the incident. The murder happened on Saturday around 12:20 AM. TDP leader Buddareddy Srinivasareddy and his followers attacked and killed Subbarayudu at his home.
YSRCP leader Narapu Reddy had called the police to report the attack. He told them that TDP leaders were on their way to attack them. Despite this urgent call, the police did not act quickly. Narapu Reddy mentioned that about 40 people were approaching, but only SI Nagendra Prasad and two constables showed up. They also failed to properly inform their superiors about the situation.
Additional police forces could have been sent within 15 to 20 minutes to manage the situation, but this did not happen. The police’s slow response led to widespread criticism. As a result, higher authorities decided to suspend CI Shivakumar Reddy and SI Nagendra Prasad for their negligence.