In Pithapuram, a fight broke out between two top officials during a municipal council meeting. This meeting took place in the constituency of Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister, Pawan Kalyan, and the incident shocked everyone present.
The two officials involved were Municipal Commissioner Kanaka Rao and DEE Bhavani Shankar. They have been involved in a long-standing dispute, and during this meeting, their conflict reached a boiling point. The situation escalated so much that they ended up exchanging punches.
The tension between the two officials had been simmering for some time. The conflict worsened during the recent elections when Bhavani Shankar went on leave, leaving several payment files unresolved. In his absence, Commissioner Kanaka Rao had the EE (Executive Engineer) sign off on these files, which further strained their relationship.
During the council meeting, councillors began asking questions about the salaries and payments for outsourced employees. Commissioner Kanaka Rao blamed Bhavani Shankar for the issues, which led Bhavani Shankar to stand up and accuse the Commissioner in return. The argument quickly turned physical, and the two started fighting.
The incident left the councillors and other employees in shock. They had to step in to separate the two officials. The entire brawl was caught on video, and the footage has since gone viral on social media.