In Hyderabad, KT Rama Rao, the working president of the BRS, announced that party MLC K Kavitha is expected to receive bail in the coming weeks. He mentioned this during an informal media chat, revealing that a bail petition has already been filed. Rao is optimistic about his sister’s release, especially after Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was granted bail.
Rao explained that since the investigating agencies have filed the chargesheet, there is no need for Kavitha to remain in jail. He criticized some media reports for misrepresenting the observations of judges as final judgments.
He expressed concern about the poor conditions in Tihar Jail, where Kavitha is currently held. According to Rao, the jail is overcrowded, with 30,000 inmates in a facility meant for 12,000. During his visit, he observed that Kavitha faced significant hardships, including a lack of proper food.
Adding a touch of humor, Rao shared a remark from someone in the party suggesting that going to jail might lead to becoming a prominent leader.
Rao also mentioned that Kavitha has lost 11 kg while in jail and developed high blood pressure, requiring her to take two tablets daily. He accused certain media outlets of spreading false rumors about a potential merger between the BRS and BJP, which he firmly denied. The party plans to file a defamation case against the offending media outlet and will seek to have its YouTube license revoked.