NagarKurnool: The Superintendent of Police (SP) for Nagar Kurnool District, Vaibhav Gaikwad Raghunath, has made it mandatory for all police officers riding two-wheelers in the district to wear helmets.
To reinforce this rule, a banner was put up at the entrance of the District SP office on Friday. The banner clearly states that wearing a helmet is compulsory.
The banner also warns that anyone riding a two-wheeler will not be allowed to enter the SP office without a helmet.
This new rule has sparked conversations in the town. Many people are praising the move, saying it shows that police officers are setting a good example by following the rules themselves before asking the public to do the same.
SP Gaikwad’s decision highlights the importance of road safety and following traffic regulations. By implementing this rule, the SP is ensuring that police officers lead by example and encourage the community to prioritize safety.